frequently asked questions
Find quick answers to your questions about our gourmet popcorn. If you need more help, contact us anytime!
Who is the CEO of Poppy Hand-Crafted Popcorn?
What makes Poppy different?
Where can I find nutrition facts?
How long will my popcorn stay fresh?
When/How will my order arrive? Can I request expedited shipping?
Why can’t I find my favorite flavor anymore?
I have a store and would love to sell your products! How can I purchase for resale?
I have an allergy. Is your popcorn certified Gluten Free? What about Kosher?
Are your Vegan flavors 100% Vegan and cruelty-free?
Is Poppy okay for young children to eat?
How can I be the first to know about coupons and promos?
I think I made a mistake on my order/I’m locked out of my account! What do I do?
Does Poppy ship outside of the US? What about US territories or military addresses?
How can I contact the Customer Care Department?
How can I find out about career opportunities at Poppy?